Synopsis: Interview about Avaya teleworker solution, reports from Internet Telephony conference, VoIP security news and much more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #15, a 61-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar around news and commentary in the world of VoIP security. This show features a 20-minute interview with Rick Robinson and Jerry Ryan from Avaya about their new teleworker solution. The show also includes reports from the recent Internet Telephony Conference and Exposition held in January in Florida.
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Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of Frappr map for the show. Please join the map! Also included mention of upcoming interviews:
- Feb 6 – Nick Frost, author of Information Security Forum report mentioned in #8
- Feb 20– Per Cederqvist of Ingate systems on to talk about ‘sdescriptions’ key exchange
- 02:18 - News Section: MIT/Cambrige CRN: Communications experts warn against touching the VoIP (Page also available cached by Google) Many links pointing to the story - two examples are the stories in PCPro UK and The Register
- 05:17 - News about Tom Ridge keynote at Internet Telephony conference. Two examples: Computer Business Review – VoIP critical to US security says former DHS chief and ZDNet: Tom Ridge: gotta love VoIP, but intercepts are necessary
- 06:53 - NetClarity Offers Free VoIP Security Test (and NetClarity press release ) - also news release: NetClarity’s CTO to Discuss VoIP Security at Internet Telephony
- 07:22 - NewsFactor: Avaya, Juniper partner on enterprise communications
- 07:50 - TMC Net: A Proactive, Systems-Level Approach to VoIP Security
- 08:37 - Computer Business Review Online: Borderware Building Business on VoIP, Outbound Security
- 08:53 - CIO Australia: Dial VoIP for Vulnerability
- 09:40 - VoIP Magazine: VOIPSA Threat Taxonomy Summary written by Mark Collier
- 10:16 - VoIP Magazine: Zimmermann to Release VoIP Encryption Software and Interview with Phil Zimmermann
- 13:32 - Continuity Central: Emerging threats 2006: VoIP
- 14:31 -InfoSecurity Europe 2006 – April 26-27 in London
- 14:50 - Corrent Announces VoIP Security Gateway for Service Providers
- 14:55 - XConnect and Kayote Networks awarded First MSO National VoIP Peering Project
- 15:25 - announces two Lucent white papers on VoIP Security
- 15:31 - Skype now has a a Security Blog (tip of the hat to Irwin Lazar)
- 16:43 - Feature interview with Rick Robinson and Jerry Ryan of Avaya about their new "VPNremote" teleworker set (announced in December in this Avaya news release and discussed in this Information Week article). Topics discussed include:
- Background on announcement, development
- Configuration, form factor
- Quality of service
- Security of second port, authentication, physical security
- Hurricane Katrina relief effort
- Usage scenarios
- Advantages, disadvantages, joys of teleworking
- Pricing and future plans
- 36:32 - end of interview
- 36:50 - Discussion of Internet Telephony conference with report in from listener Steve Blair about his experience at the show
- 41:10 - Jonathan reports on the panels he moderated at the conference
- 45:54 - Mention of ACLU lawsuit against NSA spying and their "Eavesdropping 101" piece that mentions VoIP security. Longer discussion on lawful intercept issues.
- 48:45 - We will both be out at the RSA Conference next week. If you are going to be there, drop us a note!
- 49:35 - Comment section - Comments from Stephen Kramer, puneet, Brian Honan, Shawn Merdinger, Craig Bowser, Christine Herren, The Pod Lounge, Big Wave Dave, Leslie Asamoa-Krodua.
- 56:55 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list. It was a quiet week with the only real traffic being Chris Martin's request for SBC-related questions for an upcoming poll and then a recent discussion of Phil Zimmermann's proposals.
- 58:16 - Wrapup of the show: final comments, mention of picture on the website, upcoming shows, notes about contributing, information about how to provide comments.
- 61:21 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
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