Synopsis: Super-sized edition - Two interviews, one with David Schwartz, CTO of Kayote networks and one with Rodolfo Rosini, CEO of Cellfire Security. VoIP security news, opinions and many comments from listeners, along with a way to potentially win a copy of a new book on VoIP security.
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #24, a 109-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show also features a 38-minute interview with David Schwartz, CTO of Kayote Networks about his perspective on the IETF meeting in Dallas in March and SIP Identity and SPIT as well as another 18-minute interview with Rodolfo Rosini, CEO of Cellfire Security about his new startup.
This show is extra-large this week because there will be no show next week due to vacation travel and we wanted to make these interviews available.
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Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
In this show we also mentioned our new promotion - anyone submitting audio comments (either by email or calling the comment line) during April will be eligible for a drawing for a free copy of "Practical VoIP Security" from Syngress Press. Many thanks to Bruce Stewart and the folks at O'Reilly & Associates (who distribute Syngress books) for providing this book.
Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of Frappr map for the show. Please join the map!
- 04:04 - Discussion of the "IP Telephony Solutions for Government" show where Dan spoke last week in DC and where he was able to spend some time with listener Craig Bowser.
- 07:28 - Mention of the book promotion, audio comments via Waxmail, vacation plans and an impending visit to the Podcast Academy at Boston University
- 09:40 - Tutorials in May - would you be interested in participating?
- 12:16 - General Dynamics Sectera vIPer secure phone
- 12:56 - Federal Computer Week: Army using VoIP in the battlefield
- 15:14 - ITWales: Keeping the VoIP house in order (Jonathan Zar article again! Not in Welsh, though…)
- 16:46 - EFY News: Juniper Introduces Solution to Enhance VoIP Security
- 17:34 - ZDNet UK: Security report sponsorship defended (should report on security be sponsored by security companies?)
- 21:17 - TMC.Net: Deploying Secure VoIP in the Small Enterprise (by Bogdan Materna)
- 21:42 - VoIPLoop: Does VoIP Need Encryption? (by Irwin Lazar)
- 25:02 - Realtime VoIP: Ken Camp wrote a VoIP and Firewall paper
- 25:38 - VoIP News: Tom Cross on VoIP Security Series: Part One – The Server
- 26:16 - Skype Journal: FT: Zennström confirms Skype filters text; questions he would not answer points to Financial Times article
- 28:18 - Gary Audin at VoIPLoop on Sox Compliance (tip of the hat to Irwin Lazar)
- 30:45 - beta-dot: Narus Helps Countries to Block VoIP
- 32:14 - New blogs:
- 33:36 - Westcon Group and Sipera announce global distribution agreement=
- 33:58 -UHS Broadens Availability of IP-Based Alarm Monitoring in the U.S.
- 34:43 - Upcoming shows:
- April 18, DC (Arlington, VA) Homeland Defense & IT Security Training Conference (I’ll be speaking)
- Interop, April 30-May 5, Las Vegas (anyone going?)
- June 1-2, DC, Workshop on VoIP security by Cybersecurity Industry Alliance and tekVizion – free to US gov, $195 for others
- June 1-2, Berlin, Third Annual VoIP Security Workshop
- 37:08 - Feature interview with David Schwartz of Kayote Networks. In this 38-minute interview, David discusses:
- The background and products of Kayote Networks
- Why he believes SPIT is more of a concern than many others view it as
- SIP peering, business models and security issues
- His perspective on attending the IETF meeting in Dallas last month, and specifically issues discussed there around SPIT and SIP Identity
- An explanation of the proposed SIP Identity mechanism
- His views on why "policy" is incredibly important
- The dangers lurking in SIP routing and how unprotected it is
- 74:48 - Comment section and review of quick comments from Shawn Merdinger, Martyn Davies, Mark Collier and Craig Bowser
- 75:10 - Albert Maruggi on how the medium has impacted our business
- 80:02 - Leslie Asamoa-Krodua on identity management
- 81:49 - Martyn Davies on show format
- 83:11 - Kand Palanisamy on show format
- 84:20 - Dan Wing with a slight correction to his slides (also note that IETF changed the URL after I uploaded the show notes – thanks to Irwin Lazar for catching that)
- 85:26 - J.Stein on episode 22
- 86:18 - Feature interview with Rodolfo Rosini, CEO of Cellfire Security,
a startup focused on VoIP security with a particular focus on cell phones. He provided a background on the company, its product that is now entering beta, the survey they recently concluded and the fact that they are hiring in London and San Francisco.
- 104:39 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list. Discussion around client authentication, Cisco-specific tools, reviews of the Practical VoIP Security book, SOX compliance, managed security service providers and much more
- 106:49 - Wrap-up, info about how to leave comments, upcoming shows, etc.
- 109:00 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
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