Synopsis: VoIP security in the mainstream news, Martyn Davies' report on the 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop in Berlin, listener comments and much, much more...
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #30, a 57-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show includes a 24-minute report from Martyn Davies on the 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop in Berlin. Martyn's report also includes interviews with workshop participants.
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Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
NOTE: I would welcome any comments about the audio quality of this MP3 file as compared to our other shows would be appreciated - I am trying out a new audio encoder. Thanks.
Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of our listener survey - PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY! (Thank you!) It looks like Dan will most likely be at the IETF 66th Meeting in Montreal, June 9-14 - Please drop us a note if you are going to be there. Check out VOIPSA's blog if you have not already done so.
- 01:43 - Asterisk vulnerability with IAX2
- 02:50 - Discussion of recent VoIP fraud scam that was all over the news:
- NY Times: Hacker said to resell Internet Phone Service (sent in by Mark Trifiro )
- DOJ News Release
- DOJ complaint against Pena
- DOJ complaint against Moore
- CNET: Hacker cracked Net phone networks for gain, feds say (sent in by Craig Bowser)
- VOIPSA Blog posting
- ABC News: Miami Man Arrested for Theft of VoIP Calls
- Hacking Scheme, Arrests Highlight Embryonic State of VoIP Security
- Information Week: VoIP Security Alert: Hackers Start Attacking For Cash
- 10:07 - Red Herring: VoIP Security Attracts Funding (also SIP Expert Covergence Secures $15 Million in Series C Funding )
- 11:00 - NetworkWorld: Cisco, Juniper, Nortel airing telecom gear at Globalcomm and Red Orbit: Prepare for the coming VoIP Revolution
- 11:39 - New Zealand Reseller Online: Border patrol on worldwide scale
- 12:02 - ComputerWorld Malaysia: Wireless and VoIP security
- 12:15 -NIST releases two publications:
- 12:59 - CE-Infosys today announced the release of secure VoIP solution [ClosedTalk]® which include enhanced features and maintain the highest standard of security for free Internet-based phone calls.
- 13:38 - Ranch Networks Announces Availability of its Asterisk Security Code in Digium’s New Version of the Asterisk Business Edition
- 13:57 - Info Security Products Guide Names Covergence’s Eclipse Winner of the 2006 Global Excellence in VoIP Award; Eclipse Gains the Highest Trust of Customers Worldwide as Chosen by Info Security’s Readers
- 14:28 - June 21, CheckPoint: Cut Costs and Increase Flexibility With A Secure VoIP Solution (from Craig Bowser)
- 15:12 - Burton Group analyst Irwin Lazar’s report Debunking the Hype About Skype now available with free login
- 15:41 - Upcoming Shows:
- June 20-21, Tel Aviv, Israel, VON Israel
- July 9-14, Montreal, Canada, IETF 66th Meeting
- July 19-21, Tokyo, Japan, VON Japan
- August 2-3, Las Vegas, Black Hat 2006
- August 8-10, Santa Clara, CA, 3rd Annual VoIP Developer Conference
- Sept 11-14, Boston, MA, Fall VON 2006
- Oct 10-13, San Diego, CA, Internet Telephony Conference and Expo – West
- 16:34 - Feature report from Martyn Davies on the 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop in Berlin. Note that the presentations now online (or as one file ).
- 41:58 - Comment from Hank Cohen
- 42:48 - Audio comment from Patrick
- 43:50 - Comment from Sergio Meinardi
- 45:04 - Comment from Trent Williams
- 45:51 - Comment from Perry Engle
- 50:39 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list, mostly focused on softphone vulnerabilities and a spirited discussion of Skype security!
- 53:16 - VOIPSA blog
- 54:00 - and the upcoming Podcast Academy
- 55:14 - Podcast and Portable Media Expo, Sept 29-30, Ontario, California
- 55:27 - Wrap-up of the show
- Mention of our Frappr map
- 56:56 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
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