Thanks to Dean over at, along with Martyn Davies who did some great testing, we now have a comment line to which you can connect via SIP. All you need to do is use your SIP phone to call the address:
(Please note that this is NOT an email address, but rather a SIP address.) Martyn and Dean have both left messages and it seems to work well.
If you have a SIP phone with the ability to call across the Internet, please do give it a try and leave us a message. Feedback is definitely welcome. Again, many thanks to Dean for setting this up and to Martyn for helping with testing.
P.S. As a bonus, we also now have a PSTN comment line in the UK: +44 844 933 6305. If you want to give that number a try, please do!
Synopsis:Interview with Gary Miliefsky, Founder and CTO of Netclarity around how his products provide VoIP security and his views on VoIP security in general.
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast special edition #10, a 22-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar containing an interview with Gary Miliefsky, Founder and CTO of Netclarity.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '[email protected]' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Well, we recorded Blue Box #38 last week, but Jonathan was in Asia and we had some connectivity issues which required more post-production than I could do before leaving for Fall VON. It will be out, soon, though.
Also, if any of you are here at Fall VON 2006 in Boston, please do drop us an email. I (Dan) am at the show and will be on a panel of VoIP bloggers tomorrow at 1:30pm Eastern. I'll also be doing some interviews which I intend to put up as a special edition.
Synopsis: Phil Zimmermann interview, VoIP security news, listener comments and more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #37, a 60-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show also includes a 15-minute interview with Phil Zimmermann about the status of ZFone, ZRTP and more
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583(new comment phone number!) to leave a comment there.
Show Content:
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners.
15:04 - The Age (Australia): WiFi Skype phones to set you free (not security, per se, but combining Skype with WiFi… two of our favorite topics) Also mentioned the DualPhone.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Synopsis: IMS security interview, VoIP security news, listener comments and more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #35, a 71-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show also includes a 25-minute interview with Miguel Garcia about IMS security.
NOTE - Due to production issues, this show is coming out after show 36 and about a month after it was originally recorded. We do sincerely apologize for the delay! Please note also that also that the audio comment line number is wrong in the recording. As noted on the show website, the new number is +1-206-350-2583.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583(new comment phone number!) to leave a comment there.
Show Content:
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
... Jonathan will be there on August 28th and 29th! See his post about the VoIP conference or go directly to the conference brochure for more information. Jonathan would very much be interested in meeting any listeners who will be attending, so please do send us an email if you are in the area.
While provides a very nice voicemail service for free, one of the disadvantages of using the service is that if no one calls your number in 30 days, the number is made inactive and there is no way to start using it again. In periods where we have had no audio comments for some time, I have tried to remember to just call it myself... unfortunately, I didn't do so recently and so we lost the number we have been using since October 2005.
The new comment number is +1-206-350-2583 ("2583" = "blue" - cute, eh?) Please do give us a call and let us know your thoughts on the show.
(And yes, in the recording of show 36 we still mention the old number - I unfortunately discovered the problem after uploading the already post-produced show 36.)
Synopsis: Black Hat 2006 super-sized edition - VoIP security news, interviews with David Endler, Mark Collier, Ofir Arkin and much, much more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #36, a 83-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This is a special edition focusing on the 2006 Black Hat Briefing in Las Vegas and the voice security talks that were given at the conference.
NOTE: As explained in the show, this podcast #36 is being released before show #35, which will be released next week. You didn't miss #35... it just hasn't been released yet.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583(new comment phone number!) to leave a comment there.
NOTE: As I will explain in more detail on our next show (#37), there were a number of issues with the audio in this show both in the recording as well as in the post-production. One of the issues was some very annoying noise artifacts in the Endler/Collier interview that sound like cell phone interference. There are also a couple of gaps... and those with finally attuned ears will hear some clipping of the audio. Suffice it to say that I would not want our podcast to be judged by the audio quality of this episode! I'll explain more in our next episode about exactly why this episode didn't hit our usual quality level.
Show Content:
(NOTE - More detailed show notes with links will be made available next week. For right now, we just want to get the show posted.)
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners.
08:10 - Interview with Dave Endler and Mark Collier about their Black Hat talk and the VoIP security tools they released this week. (News articles from ZDNet and the Register.)
35:41 - Discussion of Hendrik Sholz's new smap tool and his zero-day exploit against Cisco PIX firewalls
39:46 - Discussion of Jay Schulman's session on phishing with Asterisk
45:29 - Discussion of Doug Mohney's session on using voice analytics to defeat social engineering
46:13 - Discussion of Nicolas Fischbach's session on carrier VoIP security
48:38 - Interview with Ofir Arkin about his session on NAC, Insightix, his role in VOIPSA, security research, etc.
1:05:42 - Mention of Alan Schimmler and his Still Secure blog and NAC
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-350-2583 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
If any of you are heading out to Las Vegas for the 2006 Black Hat Briefing tomorrow and Thursday, please do drop us a note as we'd love to connect with listeners. Jonathan and I will both be out there in part because there is a "voice security" section to the conference schedule but also because with David Endler attending (and speaking), it is a good chance to catch up on VOIPSA issues.
Synopsis: IPv6 security, VoIP security news and more...
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #34, a 49-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show covers the usual VoIP security news and then includes a 27-minute interview with Yurie Rich and John Spence from Command Information about IPv6 security.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Show Content:
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of our listener survey
01:32 - Mention of IETF meeting and the audio streaming and the actual IETF agenda (also, if you have no understanding of how the IETF works, you may want to read The Tao of IETF )
02:20 - Mention of Podcast Awards - NOTE: Nominations closed on July 15th.
02:51 - Dan will be at Fall VON in Boston and Internet Telephony in San Diego - we'll plan dinners there.
03:09 - Dan will be on a panel of VoIP bloggers at Fall VON in Boston (listeners may not know of his blog at )
04:01 - Still looking for anyone with Wordpress expertise for suggestions about fighting blog spam over at Voice of VOIPSA.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Jonathan Zar is affiliated with Pingalo and is the Secretary of VOIPSA and member of the Board of Directors.
This is a personal project and neither the Internet Society, Pingalo nor VOIPSA have any formal connection to this podcast. In the interest of transparency we just thought you should know our affiliations.
Why "Blue Box"?
We chose the name "Blue Box" primarily as a nod to the era of phone phreaking in part to illustrate that threats to telephony are not new - they just continue to change and evolve. That and admittedly the name just sounded cool.
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