Synopsis: Skype security advisory, vulnerabilities in multiple vendor's VoIP phones, more Skype security news, VoIP security, listener comments and much more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #41, a 42-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.
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Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners.
- 02:08 - A brief bit about the audio path Dan uses to record the show.
- 04:12 - Discussion of the Podcast and Portable Media Expo. Mention of Michael Santarcangelo of Security Catalyst and Martin McKeay of Network Security Podcast.
- 08:15 - Dan was part of a Security Roundtable podcast on VoIP security.
- 09:29 - Ken Camp posted a list of IT security podcasts that a friend of his put together.
- 10:00 - Programming notes - 1-year anniversary show coming up October 24th – probably recorded on 20th, so if you have a segment or comments you would like to give us, please get them to us by evening of Oct 19th
- 11:05 - Three vulnerabilities reported by Shawn Merdinger:
- PolyCom IP-301 VoIP Desktop Phone HTTP server DoS and undocumented TCP port 42
- Linksys SPA-921 VoIP Desktop Phone HTTP Server DoS
- GrandStream GXP-2000 VoIP Desktop Phone multiple undocumented UDP ports and DoS
- 12:14 - Skype vulnerability for Mac OS X
- 13:04 - Skype Journal: SJSU: Campus OK’s Skype, for now
- 13:30 - Network World: Akonix appliance aims to give IT Skype controls (see also Jan in Malaysia on the same subject)
- 13:49 - Skype Journal: Jordon regulator blocks
- 14:09 - TechWorld UK: Sophos offers free application killer
- 14:40 - Slashdot: SIP vs. Skype, Making the ‘Open’ Choice
- 15:09 - Slashdot: Comcast Lying About Vonage
- 16:29 - IT Week: VoIP vendors slam Cisco
- 18:17 - TelecomWeb: BellSouth, ISS Back VoIP Security Effort – see also Ga. Tech, BellSouth, Internet Security Systems initiate VoIP security research partnership – all the more interesting because ISS recently announced it will be acquired by IBM!
- 20:02 - Wired News: Beguiling but Beware: AJAX, VoIP
- 22:24 - BBC: Security fears raised at conference
- 23:14 - CIO Today: Video over IP: The Next Battleground
- 23:57 - NY Times: Clear as a Bell One Day, Fuzzy and Garbled the Next (actual article requires subscription)
- 24:24 -NIST announced updated security docs (looks like a nice one on WinXP)
- 25:35 - Voice of VOIPSA: Hello Mom, I’m a Fake
- 26:54 - TippingPoint Research Director Recognized for Leadership in Voice and Security (about David Endler)
- 29:34 -Upcoming Shows:
- Call for papers for:
- ETel 2007 CFP now open – CFP winding down
- EUSecWest CFP – Mar 1-2, 2007, London
- ShmooCon 07 CFP open to Dec 1
- Oct 10-13, San Diego, CA, Internet Telephony Conference and Expo – West
- Oct 25-26, Rome, Italy, VON Italy
- Nov 6-9, Berlin, Germany, VON Europe Autumn
- (new), Nov 29-30, Tokyo, Japan, PacSec 2006
- Dec 4-6, Atlanta, GA, VON Enterprise
- Jan 23-26, 2007, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Internet Telephony Conference and Expo – East
- Feb 27-Mar 1, 2007, San Francisco, Emerging Telephony 2007
- (new) Mar 1-2, 2007, London, EUSecWest
- Mar 19-21, 2007, San Jose, CA, Spring 2007 VON
- (new) Mar 23-25, Washington, DC, ShmooCon ‘07
- (new) Apr 16-20, Vancouver, BC, Canada CanSecWest 2006
- 29:46 - comment (email) from Dan Wing about vs
- 30:17 - comments (email) from Jake Neumann and Miguel Garcia about audio software
- 31:46 - comment (email) from Miguel Garcia about RTPSEC BOF
- Audio recording, part 1 (BOF session starts at 9 minutes 45 seconds)
- Audio recording, part 2
- RTPSEC session minutes and slides
- 33:20 - comment (email) from Natas about dial in to BBP
- 34:43 - comment (email) from Ross Snowden about topics he is interested in (including fax)
- 37:03 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list
- 39:34 - Wrap-up of the show
- Reminder that you can subscribe to the show via email as well as RSS
- Mention of our Frappr map
- 41:57 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '[email protected]' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
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