If you downloaded Blue Box #56 and wound up with a PDF file, here's why - as I noted in an "UPDATE" section at the top of the show notes to Blue Box #56, I inadvertently deleted the "enclosure" link attribute that clues podcatchers in to which media file to download. Without an enclosure link attribute, podcatchers seem to download the last "media" file. Normally, this might not have been a problem as we usually just link to other web pages, but because we linked later to the SAGE Journal PDF file, that file was chosen as the one to download. (Although it still boggles my mind a bit that podcatchers couldn't be designed to download only MP3 files or others from a range of audio/video formats.
I've fixed the link and podcatcher downloads are now working, but if you wound up with a PDF file instead, you'll unfortunately need to download the audio file directly from the Blue Box #56 show notes.