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February 22, 2007


Hi there! Congrats for the show guys, it's really great.

Just wanted to point out that you don't need to sniff the traffic to exploit BID 22191 (PA168 session hijack). All that is required is that a super user establishes a session with the device (authenticates). At that point an attacker can hijack the admin's session from ANY IP address. Of course, this can be automated by repeatedly sending a "evil" superuser request (as shown in the PoC script).

The "evil" request will dump the device's config settings, including superuser passwords in the clear. So to clarify, no sniffing is required :D

Keep the hard work!

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Full Disclosure

  • Dan York, CISSP, is the Chair of the VOIP Security Alliance (VOIPSA) and Senior Content Strategist for the Internet Society.

    Jonathan Zar is affiliated with Pingalo and is the Secretary of VOIPSA and member of the Board of Directors.

    This is a personal project and neither the Internet Society, Pingalo nor VOIPSA have any formal connection to this podcast. In the interest of transparency we just thought you should know our affiliations.

Why "Blue Box"?

  • We chose the name "Blue Box" primarily as a nod to the era of phone phreaking in part to illustrate that threats to telephony are not new - they just continue to change and evolve. That and admittedly the name just sounded cool.

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