With show #30, I made a subtle change to the "Name" field of the ID3 tags associated with the show MP3 file. Instead of "Blue Box Podcast #30: ...", it is now "Blue Box #30: ...". I made the change after looking at a list of shows on my iPod and realizing that you couldn't see the number in the limited number of characters on the screen. There is no easy way to know which show was listed. I figured having "Podcast" in the ID3 name was rather redundant, so I dropped it.
The only impact this may have on you is that if you use iTunes or another MP3 player that lets you sort by track name (or defaults to doing this), "Blue Box #30:..." will now be listed before the previous episodes whose names began "Blue Box Podcast #xx:...". Note that there was no change to the file name - this was purely in the ID3 tags associated with the file.