Synopsis: Interview with VOIPSA Chair David Endler, VoIP security news for the week, our listener survey, listener comments and more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #28, a 62-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show includes a 14-minute interview with David Endler, Chair of the VoIP Security Alliance (VOIPSA).
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Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
In this show we also mentioned the final week of our promotion - anyone submitting audio comments (either by email or calling the comment line) before the next show will be eligible for a drawing for a free copy of "Practical VoIP Security" from Syngress Press. Many thanks to Bruce Stewart and the folks at O'Reilly & Associates (who distribute Syngress books) for providing this book.
Five people have so far submitted audio comments, so your odds of winning are very good if you submit a comment before the end of the month!
Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of our listener survey - PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY! (Thank you!)
- 01:46 - List of podcast topics – give it a look and do send us your comments (or call them in!)
- 02:57 - New book from Alan Johnston and David Piscitello, Understanding Voice over IP Security
- 04:17 - Skype security vulnerability and discussion in Skype Security Blog
- 05:48 - Security Watch: Skype 2.5 changes call setup to evade blocking points to VoIP News Australia article
- 08:01 - Ken Camp - Two more stories describe Skype as a ‘problem’ – points to two articles and also asks if anyone in the corporate world likes Skype?
- 13:34 - NY Times: VoIP Encryption May Draw U.S. Scrutiny about Phil Zimmermann’s release of the Windows beta of Zfone – also check out Phil’s Zfone FAQ
- 17:27 - VOIPSA Blog: What is the Fuzz about?
- 19:48 - Slate: How do you jam a phone?
- 21:50 - Launch of .tel domain (and Marc Robins blog and .mobi and ipwalk blog post)
- 25:50 - VOIPSA Blog: Reliable VoIP
- 29:30 - Covergence Teams with CounterPath Solutions to Deliver Bullet-Proof VoIP Security for SIP Softphone; Companies Can Now Offer Customers Complete VoIP Security
- 30:29 - Mitsubishi Corporation Partners With CloudShield Technologies to Deliver VoIP and Content Service Control Solutions for Japanese Carriers
- 31:32 - Ingate Secures VoIP Traffic with SRTP in New Software Version 4.4
- 32:00 - Feature interview with David Endler, Chair of the VoIP Security Alliance (VOIPSA)
background on creation of VOIPSA
- major accomplishments
- what's next for VOIPSA
- new projects
- how people can help
- Dave's own background
- 46:34 - Comment from Emmanuel Goitia (discussion included and
- 51:09 - Comment from Adrian Braun on JITC conference
- 52:00 - Comment from Sergio Meinardi on podcast topics (and Prius)
- 52:58 - Audio comment from Al about avoiding the NSA
- 55:25 - Comment from Dave Roper suggesting a show topic and inquiring about jobs (here is his email address if interested in learning more)
- 56:44 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list, including John Todd’s actual attack and discussion of Phil Zimmermann’s Zfone
- 57:52 - Brief discussion of ISN (a.k.a. )
- 59:15 - Wrap-up of the show
- 61:42 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.