Synopsis: VoIP security news for the week, our listener survey, many listener comments and more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast show #26, a 41-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar with news and commentary about the world of VoIP security. This show also introduces our listener survey.
Download the show here (MP3, 38MB) or subscribe to the RSS feed to download the show automatically.
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Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
In this show we also mentioned our new promotion - anyone submitting audio comments (either by email or calling the comment line) during April or May will be eligible for a drawing for a free copy of "Practical VoIP Security" from Syngress Press. Many thanks to Bruce Stewart and the folks at O'Reilly & Associates (who distribute Syngress books) for providing this book.
Show Content:
- 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners. Mention of our listener survey - PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY! (Thank you!)
- Show notes will be posted tomorrow.
- 41:25 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at +1-206-338-6654 to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
The workshop you mentioned
at the last part of this podcast and is at the event category in the blog is for 2005, isn't it?
June 1-2, DC, Workshop on VoIP security by Cybersecurity Industry Alliance and tekVizion – free to US gov, $195 for others
Posted by: Choonghun Lee | May 14, 2006 at 11:37 PM
Choongun Lee,
Yes, that is the one. I'll be putting up the show notes for this show hopefully later today. But yes, that is the show.
Posted by: Dan York | May 15, 2006 at 07:08 AM