Our Frappr map of listeners continues to grow... 80 listeners at the time I write this. If you haven't checked it out yet, here's a preview... note that despite my best efforts to modify the code snippet according to Frappr's instructions, I still can't get the mini-map here to zoom out to show the entire world - so you probably want to click the "-" sign to zoom out and see the bigger picture.
I have noticed that it initially doesn't show all the entries - just the first 50 or so - so it looks like there is only one identified listener in South America until you zoom in a bit and find out that there are, in fact, two. Africa, though, will remain empty because if we have listeners there in Africa, none of them have yet added themselves to the map.
If you are a listener and would like to add yourself to the map, there is a link at the top of the map to do so. You also do have the option to upload a photo as some folks have done and/or to leave a message there for other listeners.
Note that if you are leery of providing personal information, when you add yourself you are required to enter a name and email address, but of course it can be any name - and bogus email addresses are always an option. As far as I can see, providing an email address just gets you updates of when new people are added. And if you still don't want to provide any information to an unknown startup, well, hey, we totally respect that. Given that many/most of our listeners are in the security and privacy industries, we are pleased that so many have already added themselves. It's fun to see where listeners are located.