Synopsis: Session Border Controller (SBC) Special - Martyn Davies interviews Rod Hodgman from Covergence and Jeff Carr from Borderware about their products and the role of the SBC.
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast Special Edition #18, a 33-minute podcast of interviews by Martyn Davies of Rod Hodgman from Covergence and Jeff Carr from Borderware about their products and the role of the SBC and the question "Do SBCs break the rules of SIP?"
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Show Content:
This Session Border Controller (SBC) special features two back-to-back interviews with Rod Hodgman from Covergence ( and Jeff Carr from Borderware (
In the first interview, Martyn Davies speaks
to Rod Hodgman, VP of Marketing at Covergence, about their SBC product
line, Eclipse. Rod talks about SBCs that support peering and access edge
applications, and then focuses on access edge features such as NAT traversal and
DoS protection. The discussion also covers software vs. appliance; OS
hardening, ATCA and media acceleration. Rod answers the question "do SBCs
break the rules of SIP?", and tells us a user story.
In the second part, Martyn speaks to Jeff Carr, VP of the SIP Solutions Group at Borderware, about their software SBC, SIPAssure. Jeff talks about the access edge, SPIT (Internet Telephony SPAM): content filtering and reputation management; firewall vs. SBC. He also tackles the question "do SBCs break the rules of SIP?", and goes on to tell us a story about one of their OEM customers.
We thank Martyn for contributing these interviews.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '[email protected]' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
(P.S. In the spirit of full disclosure, I'll note that one of the customer stories turns out to be my employer, but I had no clue about that as this was entirely Martyn's production.)