As I've mentioned on recent Blue Box episodes, I recently got together with two other members of the Security Round Table, Michael Santarcangelo and Martin McKeay, to explore the issues around OpenID and security.
We have shared the resulting conversation as a SRT podcast, and have also published as the show notes the large body of links that we accumulated during our preparation for the show. I'd encourage you to check out the SRT site purely for the links alone, as I think we pulled together one of the more comprehensive lists of links I've seen related to OpenID. If you are not familiar with OpenID, the links in the SRT show notes will help you understand more about it. I've also written more about it over on my DisruptiveTelephony blog.
In the end, the three of us came aware quite impressed with the possibilities of OpenID with regard to the specific piece of the identity puzzle that it is aiming to solve. We hope this podcast helps people understand both the potential benefits as well as a few potential challenges with regard to security and OpenID. Comments and feedback are very definitely welcome.
Synopsis: new VoIP security tools list, teleworker FUD, Phil Zimmermann, ETel conference feedback, SPIT, IETF, listener comments and more...
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #54, a 57-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners - and to all those listeners who have been here for so long!
38:48 - Feature discussion around IETF 68 coming up next week in Prague. The critical discussion of interest to this group is the RTPSEC BOF discussion around how to securely exchange keys for Secure RTP
55:15 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list
56:32 - Wrap-up of the show
Reminder that you can subscribe to the show via email as well as RSS
57:16- End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Synopsis: Emerging Telephony 2007 Workshop by Blue Box co-hosts Dan York and Jonathan Zar and security researcher Shawn Merdinger called the "Black Bag Security Briefing" covering VoIP security threats, tools and best practices.
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast Special Edition #16, a 91-minute podcast of a workshop presentation by Blue Box co-hosts Dan York and Jonathan Zar along with security researcher Shawn Merdinger called the "Black Bag Security Briefing" at O'Reilly's Emerging Telephony Conference on February 27, 2007.
At O'Reilly's 2007 Emerging Telephony conference last week in San Francisco, Jonathan, Shawn Merdinger and I presented a 90-minute workshop in which we discussed the threats to VoIP security, the tools out there to test/defend your network and the best practices for securing VoIP systems. We had a great audience that also included folks like blogger/podcaster Ken Camp and IETF RAI Area Director Cullen Jennings. This is a recording of the full session including the Q&A.
Slides will be available soon.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Synopsis: Skype multiple login issue, OpenID, Cisco IP phone vulnerabilities, net neutrality, drive-by pharming, EU legislation and are smokers really a threat to VoIP security?
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #53, a 48-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners - and to all those listeners who have been here for so long! D
01:36 - Programming notes
Dan will be in Cairo, Egypt, on the week of March 19th and would be delighted to meet with any listeners
47:07 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list
47:4 - Wrap-up of the show
Dan's going to Cairo the week of March 19th - any listeners out there?
Reminder that you can subscribe to the show via email as well as RSS
48:24- End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Synopsis: Emerging Telephony 2007 General Session by Blue Box co-host Dan York called the "Black Bag Security Review" where Dan tells a story about VoIP security.
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast Special Edition #15, a 22-minute podcast of a general session presentation by Blue Box co-host Dan York called the "Black Bag Security Review" at O'Reilly's Emerging Telephony Conference 2007.
At O'Reilly's 2007 Emerging Telephony conference last week in San Francisco, I (Dan) had the opportunity to give a 15-minute presentation to all attendees about VoIP security. Rather than doing the traditional slideware outlining the threats, tools, best practices, etc., I tried to do something very different and simply tell a story of what could happen if a VoIP system were installed in an insecure manner - and how to go about securing that system. I tried to make it interesting and humorous (something not often tied to VoIP security) and the feedback at the show was quite positive. Given that this was the first time I had presented the topic in this manner, I would very definitely appreciate comments (positive or negative) either left here on this blog entry or sent or called in to the email address and numbers below.
Because the presentation was quite different in style from others that were given (and yes, it does come in at 243 slides in just about 15 minutes!), I received a number of questions and wound up writing a bit more about the presentation over on my Disruptive Telephony blog. I included a bit about Lawrence Lessig and his impact on this presentation style.
I will include here an embedded view of the slides courtesy of, although without being synced to the audio, they aren't terribly useful given that I was moving through them fast. At some point I will also include a PDF version of the slides as well.
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Synopsis: Skype spyware? Cisco SIP issue again, secure call recording, Phil Zimmermann on VON Magazine, US Congress and Caller ID, ringjacking, Skype security, VoIP security, listener comments and more
Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #52, a 45-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.
NOTE: This show was originally recorded February 14, 2007.
00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments. Welcome to all the new listeners - and to all those listeners who have been here for so long! Discussion of bandwidth in Japan and Asia.
02:07 - Programming notes
Podcasts by phone is back up with new number - +12183398544
Dan will be in Cairo, Egypt, on the week of March 19th and would be delighted to meet with any listeners
44:11 - Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list
44:33 - Wrap-up of the show
Dan's going to Cairo the week of March 19th - any listeners out there?
Reminder that you can subscribe to the show via email as well as RSS
45:18 - End of show
Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-206-350-2583 or via SIP to '' to leave a comment there.
Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.
Jonathan Zar is affiliated with Pingalo and is the Secretary of VOIPSA and member of the Board of Directors.
This is a personal project and neither the Internet Society, Pingalo nor VOIPSA have any formal connection to this podcast. In the interest of transparency we just thought you should know our affiliations.
Why "Blue Box"?
We chose the name "Blue Box" primarily as a nod to the era of phone phreaking in part to illustrate that threats to telephony are not new - they just continue to change and evolve. That and admittedly the name just sounded cool.
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